So we have been thinking, we are getting about 12k a week looking at this shit, which means we have quite a lot of followers if you ask me so we have come up with a brain wave. When we hit Session 100 we are going to stop. What do you think? advice and feedback to
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Below is the transcript of an email conversation with someone who placed an online advert on Craiglist
Original ad:
Looking for a pool manager for our hotel pool starting in July 2009. You must be certified and have prior experience lifeguarding. You will be in charge of several lifeguards for this position. Contact if interested.
From Mike Partlow to ***********@********.org
Hi, my name is Mike Partlow. I am interested in the position of Pool Manager for your hotel. Here is why I feel I am qualified for the position:
- I am an ex Navy SEAL. Water is my blood.
- I have saved countless lives on 3 different continents. I once saved an entire submarine crew from drowning in the artic.
- I am highly trained in underwater combat. I am prepared to handle any situation that may danger this pool.
I will make sure that this pool is safer than the Hau River during US occupation. Under my watch, pool casualties will be minimal. I will oversee a lifeguard "hellweek" style training program that I will make sure all the lifeguards under my command complete prior to serving for the hotel. Saftey of all pool guests is my top priority. I will also make every pool guest go through an intense underwater survival program before they are allowed to enter the pool.
Nobody drowns on my watch. NOBODY.
I look forward to working with your hotel.
- Mike
From Mark ******** to Me
Mr. Partlow,
Thank you for your application. Unfortunately, you seem a little over-qualified for this position. We already have a program in place for our lifeguards and do not want our guests to have to go through any extreme measures in order to use our facilities.
Thank You,
Mark ********
******* Hotel Staff