Okay so all the shit over xmas and new years is finally over and we are all back to usual.
We got an email from YouTube saying that we are eligable for partnership wheich means big money, but they have also suspended our account about 3 months ago! Go figure lol
Got some cool shit for you lined up, and we're playing with the idea of maybe doing a podcast or some crap to accompany this drab blog! Let us know your thoughts...
Also, we found something pretty funny we thought we would share with you. You know when someone sends you an email or a FB thing asking a question that a quick google search would og given them the answer for? Well next time, use this site and send and copy the code to answer your stupid friend
Let Me Google That For You
If you want to feel smart, listen to this lot of plums BritPod BB3K
If you can't see the image properly, click on it
If the GIF isn't moving, then Ctrl + Click
A collection of SMS messages that have gone slightly wrong!
A collection of SMS messages that have gone slightly wrong!
Below is the transcript of an email conversation with someone who placed an online advert on Craiglist
Original ad:
I need a whole roll of carpet doesnt matter what kind will pay cash i need it fast
From Me to ***********@*************.org:
Do you still need rolls of carpet? I have a deal worked out with a carpet wholesaler and can get you as many carpets as you need.
From *********@comcast.net to Me:
yeah I just need one how much do you want for it
From Me to *********@comcast.net:
I am asking $50 for the roll of carpet. It sounds like you also need some cleaning supplies. Luckily, I also sell gloves, mops, buckets, spray bottles, garbage bags, as well as disinfectants, odor removal chemicals, and enzyme solvents, in case you are interested in any of that.
From *********@comcast.net to Me:
what? I dont need any of that just the rug
From Me to *********@comcast.net:
Are you sure? It sounds like you need this rug to take care of a "problem", and you might want the cleaning supplies to clean up the rest of that problem.
From *********@comcast.net to Me:
my only problem is that i need this carpet and you are trying to sell me cleaning stuff
From Me to *********@comcast.net:
Look, you don't have to fool me. There is only one reason to urgently need a rug. It is pretty clear that you killed someone and need to get rid of them.
I've been there, man...whether it is a friend who overdosed on drugs, or a dead hooker, it is important that you clean everything up. You can't just roll them up in a carpet and forget about them. Don't worry, I can help you.
From *********@comcast.net to Me:
i didnt kill a hooker what the hell is wrong with you? i need the carpet for my apartment to replace my old stained carpet so i dont get screwed on my security deposit which is why i need it fast
From Me to *********@comcast.net:
Hey man, I'm not one to judge you. I understand that accidents happen. Maybe she didn't tell you when to stop choking her, or maybe you didn't realize that roofie you slipped in her Cosmo was actually cyanide. Either way, a dead hooker isn't the end of the world. Hookers die all the time; it comes with their line of work. The important thing is to stay calm and make sure that you clean everything up.
You have a good cover story with the security deposit. You are smart to get rid of the old blood-stained carpet, but you still will need my cleaning supplies. A small blood stain on the top of the rug is usually a much larger stain underneath the rug, and you can't simply put a new rug on top of it. With my dead hooker cleanup package, it comes with everything you need to clean up the "accident" and make it look like it never happened. The entire package, including the rug, will only cost you $100.
You should act soon before it is too late!
From *********@comcast.net to Me:
is everyone on craigslist this crazy or is it just you? all i want is the carpet and you are being a huge pain in my ass. ill find one from someone who isnt a goddamn psycho
This week's best and worse from the world of Facebook
A short collection of FAILS from the week
Who will take the second shot in this snooker game?
Find out after the break.
When Thierry Henry was signed to play at Arsenal again they said, "You'll feel right at home here, everything's just as you left it."
Including the trophy cabinet.
Barack Obama has announced that US defence spending will be cut to $660 billion a year, meaning that the USA no longer has the highest annual defence budget in the world.
That honour now goes to Manchester City.
As the dog sat watching the orchestra, he stared at the conductor and thought...
"Just throw the fucking thing."
How do you make a Pirate angry?
Take the P out of him.
I saw a woman drop her purse in the high street this morning, so I quickly followed her.
As I was just about to tap her on the shoulder she started running for a bus.
So I ran after her shouting, "You dropped your purse! You dropped your purse!"
She didn't hear me and proceeded to get onto the bus, so I got on the bus too.
As I walked to the back of the bus I breathlessly said, "You dropped your purse on the floor outside McDonald's."
"Thank you so much" she said, "Where is it?"
I said, "I've just told you, on the floor outside McDonald's."
Find out after the break.
When Thierry Henry was signed to play at Arsenal again they said, "You'll feel right at home here, everything's just as you left it."
Including the trophy cabinet.
Barack Obama has announced that US defence spending will be cut to $660 billion a year, meaning that the USA no longer has the highest annual defence budget in the world.
That honour now goes to Manchester City.
As the dog sat watching the orchestra, he stared at the conductor and thought...
"Just throw the fucking thing."
How do you make a Pirate angry?
Take the P out of him.
I saw a woman drop her purse in the high street this morning, so I quickly followed her.
As I was just about to tap her on the shoulder she started running for a bus.
So I ran after her shouting, "You dropped your purse! You dropped your purse!"
She didn't hear me and proceeded to get onto the bus, so I got on the bus too.
As I walked to the back of the bus I breathlessly said, "You dropped your purse on the floor outside McDonald's."
"Thank you so much" she said, "Where is it?"
I said, "I've just told you, on the floor outside McDonald's."
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